Hot Wheels® Monster Jam® Front-Flip Takedown Play Set
Product Desciption:
Crush Dozer has invaded the Monster Jam® arena and claimed 3 monster trucks.
It’s up to you to launch the 1:64 scale Max-D™ monster truck in jump mode to free the trapped trucks.
Complete a front flip by flipping the switch on the ramp for front flipping action!
Front flip Max-D™ monster truck and jump through Crush Dozer's jaws to take down the Crush Dozer for good.
Add your own trucks to amp up the action and jump through the iconic Crush Dozer jaws.
Comes with Crush Dozer Set with ramp and front flip mechanism plus three plastic Monster Jam® trucks and one 1:64 scale Max-D™ die-cast truck.
Instruction Sheets
Click on a link below to view the Adobe PDF Format Instruction Sheet. To ensure proper operation, please download ALL instruction sheets for your product.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the best kind of batteries to use in Fisher-Price® and Mattel® products?
A. We recommend using alkaline batteries with our products, as they are great for long-term use and help optimize performance. We don't recommend using Carbon-Zinc batteries. While Carbon-Zinc batteries may work well with low-power devices, they can drain after a short period of time and cause certain products to not function properly.
How do you assemble the rubber band in the Hot Wheels rubber band launchers?
On the underside of the launcher, each end of the rubber band should be wrapped around a peg on each side of the main launcher and then doubled up and hooked around the center tab of the moveable portion of the launcher.
Here is a picture of an assembled rubber band launcher!
Purchase Parts
Sorry, replacement parts are not currently available for this product