
Evil Megavores™ are taking over the world! It's up to you to stop them with Xtractaurs™ – the dinosaur figures that unlock exciting battles online! Connect the Extraction Gun to any PC or Mac and insert it into the T-Rex figure to transfer the dinosaur's “DNA” online. Collect more figures and combine DNA strands to create powerful hybrid dinosaurs online. Send them into fierce strategic battles to fight the Megavores™ and save the world from destruction! You can also play puzzle, arcade and action games to make your Xtractaurs™ stronger. Each new figure unlocks new secret attacks. Starter Kit includes figure, Extraction Gun and installation CD. Extract, Combine, & Fight Online™ with Xtractaurs™!



As of January 2012 the online features of Xtractaurs™ are no longer being supported. We understand that Xtractaurs™ has been enjoyed by many for the past several years, and we apologize for any disappointment this may cause.